Beneath the Surface Read online

Page 16

  Stephie collected the four empty beer bottles. “So what are you suggesting, Brooke?” she asked with a sad shake of her head.

  “Can we trace Tessa’s movements that night?” Brooke held up her palm. “I know, you’ve already done that.” She stood and moved in front of Garrett, a glint in her eyes. Passion—and something else too—determination, he realized. What made this woman tick?

  “I’d like to retrace her steps the night she disappeared. Can we go back to the parking lot, to the pier where she left her car?”

  Garrett and Diego both nodded.

  It couldn’t hurt to have a new set of eyes check out the scene. And even though she wasn’t a cop, Brooke had a good point. She was trained to spot details on archaeological sites. Not a far cry from the way police investigated a crime scene for evidence.

  Garrett took a seat on the couch again and Brooke moved closer. With her leg pressed against his, he found it hard to concentrate on anything other than the feel of her.

  “And here’s what I’ve been waiting to tell you.” Brooke grabbed his hand from his lap and held it in both of hers. “If we work from the theory that Rico and Tessa were both killed that night, and both dump—” she blushed and tilted her head. “Sorry. If they both went into the water at the same spot, there’s one huge mitigating factor I can use to find the box.”

  Stephie let her hip rest against the back of the sofa and frowned. “What’s that?”

  Brooke’s gaze locked with Garrett’s. “The box. If Tessa is in a metal container, it would be heavier than Rico since he wasn’t in a box.”

  “Meaning?” Garrett leaned forward.

  “Meaning I can recalculate how far the currents would have moved a heavier object.” She gave his hand a squeeze. “And…if the sheriff doesn’t want us diving where Rico was found, that’s fine. We’ll be searching two miles away.”

  He loved watching her. And right at this minute, he wanted nothing more than to pull her close and show her how glad he was to have her near.

  Stephie raised the empty beers in a mock toast and threw Brooke a smile. “To Brooke, our genius friend.” She turned to head into the kitchen.

  “Can we dive tomorrow?” Brooke edged closer, her face only inches from Garrett’s.

  “Uh huh,” he started. Damn, he could hardly think. As if those soft blue-gray eyes were pulling him in, his gaze felt glued to hers.

  “Well?” she asked, the corners of her mouth turning up into a smile.

  Oh…the dive. He cleared his throat to buy time and nodded. “Even if it’s still raining, we can dive. In fact, it might be better if it’s still raining because there will be less people on the water.” He thought about the fact that she’d already been targeted twice because of this case. He should be more concerned about protecting her than finding the box. But her eyes sparkled with ideas and he didn’t think stopping her was within his power. At least he could try.

  “If you could help us figure the coordinates, we can dive tomorrow. But you should probably go to the hospital. How’s Linda?”

  She placed her palms on the sides of his face and he found himself nose to nose with her. “You’re not getting rid of me that easily.”

  He yearned to kiss her more at this moment than he’d ever wanted to kiss a woman. He willed his emotions and his libido to simmer instead of boil. He couldn’t stop her from helping, and God help him, he wasn’t sure he wanted to. Did that make him a selfish bastard?

  “Tomorrow we dive. We all dive,” she said.

  Stephie swept back into the room carrying four cold beers and some paper plates. She perched close to Diego on the sofa and started passing out the beers.

  “I like your plan.” Stephie twisted the top off her beer and tossed it on the coffee table. She raised her bottle. “To Brooke’s great idea,” Stephie said. She winked at Brooke. “I like her, Garrett.”

  Why did everyone keep telling him they liked her? Were they trying to convince him to like her too? No need. Done deal.

  He slid his hand to Brooke’s knee. “Me too.”

  Brooke took a sip of her beer, but couldn’t hide the slow blush that made its way up her neck to her freckled face.

  “Know what?” Stephie grabbed a plate. “I’m suddenly in the mood for cold pizza.”


  Garrett closed the front door behind Diego and Stephie and turned to face Brooke. She held a trash bag and was busy collecting the debris from the table.

  “Here, you don’t have to do that.” He crossed the room and scooped up the few remaining paper plates.

  “I don’t mind.” She held the bag open and he dropped the trash inside. The simple domestic chore made his gut clench. He enjoyed working side by side with her.

  He set the bag on the floor by the kitchen door. “Uh, I wanted to explain something.” He let out a sigh, not sure how to start.

  She frowned.

  “Let’s sit,” he said.

  She followed him to the small sofa and sat beside him.

  With his palms on his knees, Garrett stared at the floor and spoke. “Rico was Tessa’s boyfriend. A scumbag. He hit her, introduced her to drugs, and he belonged to a gang.” Garrett shook his head. “He had an arrest record as long as my arm.”

  “Must have been horrible to see her go down that ugly road,” Brooke said.

  “It was. The last time I saw Tessa, I told her not to see him again. I threatened to arrest him if she did.” He paused. “I wish I could turn back time, take back my angry words.”

  “We all do things like that,” Brooke said.

  He shook his head and turned to meet her gaze. “It was the night before she disappeared. The last time I saw her.”

  Brooke frowned and laid a hand on his bicep. Her soft touch took away some of his pain.

  “She went to him because I forced her to.” Unable to look at her, he glanced away and ran both hands through his hair. “Don’t you see? I pushed her to choose. I never should have given her an ultimatum. It drove her to him.”

  She moved closer and held his chin in her small palm, forcing him to meet her gaze. He took a deep breath to inhale her soft feminine scent.

  “Do you know for sure she saw him that night?”

  Garrett shrugged and admired her fiery eyes. She lowered her hand to her lap and he crossed his arms on his chest. “I don’t know. Rico was a suspect in Tessa’s disappearance from the very beginning.” He shifted his gaze to stare at the corner wall. He didn’t want to see the look in Brooke’s eyes when he told her the next part. “Especially after my sister Alisha told everyone that Tessa had confided a secret—she was pregnant.”

  “Oh no.” Brooke closed her eyes for a few seconds before looking at him again.

  “Yeah.” He swallowed hard, stood and paced in front of the sofa.

  “That still doesn’t explain why they’d suspect you knew something about Rico’s murder.”

  “I’m a cop. I don’t hide the facts. When Tessa and Rico disappeared, I told everyone I thought Rico was guilty. And I told investigators about the threat I’d made.” Brooke deserved to know everything. He stood in front of her, open and ready for her reaction. “I said I’d kill Rico if I found out he hurt her.”

  Garrett’s heart pounded against his ribs. Part of him hoped Brooke would be disgusted enough to run for the door and go home to Baltimore to get away from him where she’d be safe. The other part hoped she wouldn’t suspect him of murder.

  She stood and closed the distance between them and reached for both of his hands. “I’m betting anyone in your position would have done the same thing.” Her eyes sparkled with compassion. “And I don’t think you’re capable of cold-blooded murder even if he got your cousin pregnant.”

  What had he done to deserve her?

  “Brooke?” Garrett’s voice was so low it was almost a whisper. Rain pattered against the windows and broke the quiet that surrounded them.

  “Umhumm,” she murmured. Her eyes were half-closed, and she glanc
ed up at him. He had to remind himself that she’d agreed to stay here because her life was in danger.

  Who was he kidding? Right now, he wanted her here for himself, wanted her soft curves and firecracker personality close to him. Never a dull moment with Brooke. He wanted nothing more than to feel her arms around him and hear her soft whispers of delight as he pleasured her.

  He cupped her chin and lifted her face, savoring the almost painful need to pull her closer. It took every ounce of his control to simply brush his lips against hers.

  With a soft moan, she stood on tip toes and wrapped her arms around his neck.

  Her lips were warm and encouraging and his pulse shifted into high gear.

  He should take it slow with Brooke. She deserved so much. And he wanted to be the one to give it to her.

  When her tongue darted through his lips, heat surged through him, and his muscles vibrated with tension.

  She pulled away and smiled, then took one of his hands and led him to the sofa. All he wanted was to touch her, be touched by her. Her lips curved into a smile again and she pushed him on the cushions.

  “Humph,” his breath whooshed out in a rush. He smiled up at her. “Well, now.”

  She lowered herself on top of him in a swift move that caught him off guard.

  “Mmmm.” He rested his hands on her waist. “I like an in-charge lady.” He pressed his hips against her to let her know exactly how much he liked her little move. She answered by taking off her shirt and bra despite the lamps that showered the room in light. She held his gaze captive in hers. Then she yanked his t-shirt over his head and covered his body with hers.

  He closed his eyes at the feel of her silky skin against his. He ran a hand up the length of her spine, and she moaned and pressed her lips to his.

  Holding her tight, he tilted to the side and pinned her body beneath his.

  It surprised her enough to let out a quick gasp and he seized her mouth with his. With one hand, he unsnapped her jeans, pulled them past her hips. She eased the rest of the way out of them and took off her prosthesis, and he stood to strip off the last of his clothes. He held himself above her naked body. His hands trembled with an overpowering need for her.

  He found her mouth again, and she parted her lips on a moan, deepening the kiss. Her tongue twisted with his and sent sparks of desire through every nerve in his body.

  She raked her fingers along his bare back, and flashes of pleasure ricocheted along his skin.

  “Garrett…please.” She adjusted her body under his and arched toward him.

  His hands traced down either side of her body in a slow caress that made her suck in air.

  “I want to make you happy,” he whispered. He pressed his hardness between her legs. Her body rocked toward him in need.

  Then he slid his hands to her breasts, reveling in her gasp as his hand traveled lower, finding her ready.

  He reached into the pocket of the jeans he’d tossed aside, pulled out the condom, opened the foil, and rolled it on himself. She raked her fingers down his back again, and with a deep moan, he pushed her legs apart with his knee and slid part way inside her.

  She raised her hips, urging him deeper.

  He couldn’t get enough of her, couldn’t get close enough to satisfy this craving to be with her. He wanted to feel her wrapped around him and feel her all the way to his soul.

  With a soft groan, she pressed her chin into the base of his neck and her body rocketed under his. She tightened around his hardness and sent his world spiraling around him as he found his release.

  Rain pelted against the roof and windows in a steady rhythm and their heavy breathing started to slow.

  “Wow.” He stroked her short blonde hair and nibbled her earlobe. He loved her hair. Short, yet stylish. Easy to run his fingers through.

  “Wow back at you.” She tilted her head and smiled up at him.

  The lit room meant no hiding anything from each other tonight. Her eyes—so sleepy and concerned earlier, now held the glow of a contented woman.

  He ran his hand down her naked back, savoring the feel of her.

  “What?” she asked.

  He raised a brow in answer.

  “You looked so serious all of a sudden.” She moved her hands through his hair then rested them on the back of his head. On a sigh, she pulled him close for a soft kiss.

  He rolled to his side, studying the strength in her eyes. He realized he didn’t have much say in what Brooke Richards would or would not do. “I am seriously considering how many times to devour you tonight.”

  She smiled and pulled him closer.

  An hour later, she lay sleeping across his arm in bed. He turned to smell her skin and stared at the ceiling. He’d ask Linda to help keep Brooke at the hospital. Brooke wouldn’t be able to turn down a request from Linda.

  The search might take longer without Brooke, but it could be done.

  The rain beat strong and heavy against the bedroom window panes. Brooke moaned in her sleep and pressed against him. No, she wouldn’t admit she needed protection. But he had to admit it for both of them. For now, he buried his head in her hair, and let himself fall asleep to the soft fruity smell of her shampoo.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Damn divers. Everything had been going so well. The life he’d always dreamed of was within his grasp. Two months had passed since he murdered the druggie and his girlfriend. He should not have to worry about bodies being found. Then those Baltimore college kids had come to town. Dredging up secrets, messing up his hard work.

  He huffed on his emerald pinky ring, buffed it till it shined brighter than the desk lamp. He deserved fine things. People liked him, wanted to be seen with him.

  He slipped the ring on...held it out to admire it on his manicured hand.

  He hadn’t made it this far in life by letting others make the rules. This was still his game and he would come out the winner. He didn’t care who he had to kill in the process.

  With a glance at his reflection, he straightened the afro with both hands and smiled at the feel of the bulky wig.


  Brooke’s cell phone rang as she stepped out of Garrett’s shower. She grabbed a baby-blue towel and hopped on one leg into the bedroom, toward the phone.

  Garrett stood in the doorway, holding a cup of steaming coffee. He raised a brow at her from the doorway as she dropped to the bed and flipped the phone open.

  “Hello?” She tried not to be distracted by the fact that Garrett moved to sit beside her and started running a calloused hand along her dripping back and buttocks.

  She didn’t have good reception. She could barely make out her name being called. “Yes,” she said, talking loudly over the static as if it would make a difference. “This is Brooke.”

  Garrett brushed his lips against her neck and warmth spread through her middle, making it hard to concentrate.

  “…Merrick…” She lost the rest of the sentence. Then she realized it was Dr. Merrick on the phone.

  “Dr. Merrick?’

  “…flight changed…can see you today before I leave…before one.”

  At least Garrett had the decency to stop his attack on her senses when he realized it was Merrick.

  “Today?” She hoped she understood what he was saying. But if she saw him at one, that wouldn’t leave enough time to search the ocean before darkness hit.

  She covered the mouthpiece and whispered, “Can we dive early today instead of later this afternoon?”

  Garrett knitted his brows together, then put his hand on her thigh. “Take the appointment.”

  “Okay…Dr. Merrick. I’ll be there at one. Thanks so much.” The connection broke, leaving her wondering if he’d even heard her through the static.

  She reached for the mug Garrett held out to her and tried to read the expression on his face.

  “Stephie and Diego can make it if we go early?” She took a sip of the rich brew. She didn’t want to ruin the dive plan. Maybe she could call Dr.
Merrick back from a landline to get a new appointment.

  Garrett glanced away, suddenly intrigued by the edge of the quilt. He pulled at a string.

  Recognition dawned. He didn’t want her to go on the dive today.

  She scooted closer and covered herself with the towel. “I know what you’re thinking. You want to leave in the afternoon so I can’t go out with you, don’t you?”

  He had the decency to blush. He opened his mouth. She pinned him with a stare, and he closed it again.

  He glanced out the window and avoided her eyes. “They can probably go earlier. They’re both on the late shift tonight.”

  “You don’t have to protect me, Garrett.” She squeezed the towel in place under her arms and laid a hand on his leg. “I can protect myself.”

  When he turned to face her, seriousness shadowed his brown eyes.

  He felt responsible for his fiancée’s death. And, if Tessa was in that box, he’d feel responsible for her death, too. Brooke wouldn’t let him feel responsible for her, too. She wouldn’t put that burden on someone she loved.


  The shock of the word jolted her. He moved his hand to cover hers.

  “You okay?” he asked.

  “Chilly,” she lied. She brought their hands from his leg to rest on her leg. The instant heat of his hand would have warmed her if she had indeed been cold.

  His fingers curled in hers and he ran his other hand along her jaw, guiding her lips to his.

  She turned her body to face him and clutched his shoulders. Emotions battled through her mind. Her towel dropped and her hands traveled under his shirt along his smooth chest. His tongue sent wild impulses all the way down to her toes.

  With one quick pull of the towel, he removed the physical barrier and rolled with her to the middle of the bed, landing with her on top. He raised his hips and she felt his need press against her.

  She’d let herself give into the need for him again. She had a weak spot for him. But she couldn’t let herself love him. He wanted a girl to protect. That wasn’t her. Not anymore. She would never let herself be a burden to anyone ever again.